Thursday, June 14, 2012

Musical Obsessions

Have you ever gotten that song stuck in your head that just will not go away?

It's like you go to sleep and it's wake up and it's there.....and even listening to it, it won't go away??

I've been having that lately.

2 months ago, I had to ask my dr for medication to help me sleep.  I had tried everything, including melatonin, and nothing worked.  Usually, a couple of good beers were enough to get me relaxed enough to sleep.....but with the stresses at work and the stresses on my body of my new lifestyle, I have been constantly wired.  I feel so much better.....I just can't sleep.

So, she prescribed me Ambien, which has really, really helped.  As long as I can GET to sleep, I stay asleep.  The main problem I was having  was falling asleep.

My brain wouldn't shut up.

I'd be laying there and lyrics would be running through my head....

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stand a little taller...."

"Get down hit the floor......."

"My wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to......"

And on, and on, and on, and on.

So, the Ambien makes the voices shut up.  I typically only take half.  When I have a beer or alcohol, I can't take any, so I can only do that on a weekend, when not getting much sleep isn't such a big deal. 

I started taking a belly dance class 12 weeks ago.  I LOVE it.  I'll never be able to do Pilates or Yoga....I am not nearly that flexible.....but I L.O.V.E belly dance.

So, right now, I am stuck on music like this....

My favorite song to do in belly dance class...I love Shakira.

And this....we actually do this one in hip hop class, but I could sooooo belly dance to it

I didn't go to step class last night.  I totally bailed on Nellie and I felt really bad.  But I felt crappy.  Feeling crappy and step class do NOT mix for me.  I get too hot and feel like I am going to pass out and my heart rate does stupid things. 

But, I did walk with Jody, so I did do SOMETHING.

Tonight is Power, Core and BELLY DANCE!

Getting dinner from Isabella's.  I'm going to have a big Greek salad.  I feel a lot better today and know I will rock it tonight.

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