Thursday, April 19, 2012

Meeting days are LONG...

Yes, yes they are. 

I have been in meetings since 9am. I have one more to go at 4:15, then I will be here until about 6pm, then off to the gym for my weight lifting class and belly dance class!

Oh how I love lifting weights!!

Is it hard...sometimes. 

Is it worth it??  Y.E.S.

I have been lifting for about 6 months now.  You want to lose body fat?  Lift weights.  You want to gain strength and endurance?  Lift weights. 

And the belly dance class right after is the perfect stretch after lifting.  Trust me, it's a workout in itself!

After a day like today, I need it too.  I am severely, I'm not eating a pound of chocolate.  I did eat about 3oz of nuts, but I'm not real worried about it.  I also ate my celery and mango chutney.  Was I hungry?  No, but I stuck to what I brought and didn't buy any of the candy bars that are sitting on the counter for sale either.  I'm not going to get to my cottage cheese this afternoon. 

My favorite recipe of the moment that I got from the Runs for Cookies blog - Check her out!!  This is a variation of her Tortellini and Sausage Soup.  I made tiny meatballs with the sausage.  7 Weight Watchers Points plus per 2 cups.  Very Very filling.

Then for dinner yesterday, I made bacon wrapped chicken breast, shrimp and sauteed spinach, squash, zuchini, garlic and mushrooms

I work in regulatory affairs at a food flavoring company.  Know all those additives in foods you can't pronounce?  I work with those every day.  If you have eaten've had one of our products.  We are in evertything from doughnuts to soft drinks to fish bait...yes, fish bait.

I love my job and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  It just gets very very hectic at times.

More later....

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