Friday, April 20, 2012

Finally Friday!

Well, not that that means too terribly much to me :p.  I'll be here tomorrow, at least a 1/2 day, at work.  We didn't do very well on an audit last week, and we are taking a Mulligan....we changed it to a pre-assessment, instead of an actual audit, so they are coming back in a few weeks to re-do it.  I'm coming in tomorrow to do a GMP in the manufacturing area and to finish up some validations.

The Community College my daughter is going to this fall is having an open house at their Aviation school, so we are going to that.  She is following in her daddy's footsteps to be an Airplane Mechanic.  NOTHING at all wrong with that.  Just as long as she does SOMETHING!  She just was not cut out for a 4-year college.  She's actually working with her dad now, 2 days a week.  She'll go full time for the summer, then back to part time when school starts.

I was tooling around the interwebs this afternoon and came across this:

THAT is a must read!  Seriously!  If that's not inspiration, I don't know what is, lol.

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